I’m just checking in with you to say that I can’t blog right now. I’m working on a new book. A novel. Science fiction romance. About a woman who philanders with a robot and how it saves her marriage. Working title is “The Toothbrush.” Target release date is Spring 2022. I think I’m about half-way through the process. Thanks for being patient while I focus on this work. If you’re on my email list, you’ll be the first to know when I start up the blog again. I have my eye on January for that.

Just finished “Clitapalooza.” I loved it! It was funny, but carried a monumental punch, all with a juicy writing style and rare honesty. I want to get copies for my women friends from different circles to share other friends. Thanks so much!
Thank you, Jayne, for sharing your reaction to my book. And thank you for sharing it with your friends. My deepest desire for this novel is that women will talk about the experience of being in their bodies, the need for better healthcare, and more education about the role of orgasms in our lives.