I have a decade of work experience from 1965 to 1976 that doesn’t appear on my CV, but it’s how I got my PhD in survival.
Things I Hide in My Bra
You might think a woman like me would be well past the silliness of hiding things in her bra. But not so much.
The Gender Trap
I don’t need to prove my feminist bona fides. Gender is a trap I’m side-stepping. I love him just the way he is.
Sex Toys Are Us
The oldest sex toy archeologists have found is a Paleolithic polished stone phallus from around 29,000 BC. Sex toys are us.
Men at Peace
Fishing takes patience, stillness, solitude, insight and intuition. Qualities at the heart of being a good man.
Women’s Equality
One of the most important steps women can take toward equality is to actively manage our own assets to align our investments with our values.
My Menopause Conspiracy Theory
I’m developing a menopause conspiracy theory because menopause has become the Area 51 of medicine with alien forces sapping women’s hormones.