He was in by 8:00 am and home by 4:00 pm. It was drive thru surgery and the pace added some drama to our lives.
I Will Care for You
If you succumbed to sickness, you would want to wake up and find me smiling over your bed. I will care for you.
Unplanning Our Plans
You can’t have knee replacement surgery if you have shingles, so we are unplanning our plans and wearing masks. Feels like pandemic déjà vu.
My Sugar Daddy
I said these exact words to myself. Be patient. Pace yourself. Don’t try to do this all at once. Year One Sugar. Year Two Meat.
Orgasms As Wellness
When we think about orgasms we tend to focus on the pleasure of the Big Bang, but orgasms have myriad health benefits.
Rewild Yourself
To rewild a place is to allow it to return to its natural state after it’s been disrupted by development. Can I rewild my brain?
Mouth Math
My heart goes out to the millions of people who face social prejudice because they have bad teeth and can’t afford oral healthcare.