We need to get back to people power. Be thoughtful about how you spend your time. Off to the putty knife factory! Make your meaning.
Fruit Basket Upset
Fruit basket upset is the phrase my cohabitant’s mother used to describe an unexpected calamity. So many things have changed.
Let’s Get Physical
Physical connections remind me that the digital world is often a deep fake. When I spend too much time online, I start to go negative.
My Hive Life
We live in a honeycomb of single family houses with fences and private yards, cells incubating children, connected by an asphalt grid.
The Problem With Paper
Paper has its own mythology, a physical presence that gives it credibility in minds that have not been subsumed into the digital world.
The Things We Love
We make an emotional investment in stuff, and start to feel like the things we love are us. That’s why shedding our stuff can feel painful.
The Home Hunting Game
I expected ageism to play in our favor, thought we would be treated like the ideal tenant, but I was wrong.