For me 2024 begins with new home, new car, new book. Stick with me while I live out loud and dance through the changes.
Doing Money Math
Costco felt like a math theme park and we were all on the same carnival ride, adding, subtracting and dividing, doing money math.
We Are The Lucky Ones
In what seems like a continuous flow of calamity, so far my family and friends have had no major losses. We are the lucky ones.
Cherish the Ordinary
It takes stamina to live this simply. We are conserving ourselves. For what, we don’t know. But we cherish the ordinary.
New Media, Old Thumbs
Using our thumbs this way, are we evolving our body parts in a new direction? What would Darwin say? My thumb hurts.
Our Intimacy Problem
Two parallel tracks, growth in sex-tech and growth in loneliness. Is there a connection? My intuition is that we have an intimacy problem.
Helen & Her Friends
Helen and her friends, our smart appliances, are stylish digital servants on their way to becoming more like our pets.