My household is streaming chaos and I’m Nowhere Pam chasing my tail, wondering what condition my condition is in.
Another 30 Years?
It’s going to take some mental hocus-pocus to get me to 98. I was already married for 32 years and the new guy wants to add another 30.
Pimp My Ride
Imagine going to get groceries in the Batmobile. New cars are digital assistants on wheels, they recognize you and come when you call them.
Mastering Silence
Unwanted sound is like junk mail for my ears. It can drag me down a rabbit hole of curiosity and completely dishevel my productivity.
Sharing is Caring
Caring for your community by sharing resources like tools and skills makes you more economically stable. Sharing is caring.
My Vibe Shift
My mirage was the magical thinking that got me through two years of pandemic disruption. Then poof, it was gone. This is my vibe shift.
I Love Being Domestic
After becoming a widow, 11 years single, and hooking up again during a raging pandemic, I have a whole new appreciation of being domestic.