I think the all to common phenomenon of elder women feeling invisible is a symptom of the larger issues of…
Cheeseburger Dreams
I want a pair of wired granny panties that come with earbuds to track my pulse, hormones, fluids and temperature. The earbuds would whisper messages like…
In the Time of Chairs
Imagine grocery shopping on your hands and knees, walking home, and making dinner on your kitchen floor. My knees hurt just thinking about it.
The Zen of Betsy Wetsy
If toys are templates for developing skills and behavior, what was the lesson I was supposed to learn from Betsy Wetsy?
Ham Sandwich Machine
Whether we accept Edmond Belamy represents something new in art, we must admit he represents something very, very old in human relations: the patriarchy.
Pantyhose Nation
Now I’m trying to picture Marlo Thomas with hairy legs and I can’t do it. Long leg hair in sheer stockings is like vacuum packed seaweed.